How to Install and Configure Webmin on Rocky, RedHat and CentOS- 6.X

Webmin: – Webmin is a free, open-source web based server management control panel for linux system

Webmin provides a GUI that displays system metrics such as CPU, RAM, and Disk utilization. you can create, manage user account, configure DNS , DHCP, Squid and share directory.

Webmin allows you to perform the following sysadmin tasks:

    • Change user account passwords.

    • Install, update, upgrade and remove packages.

    • Configuration of firewall rules.

    • Rebooting or shutting down.

    • Viewing log files.

    • Schedule cron jobs.

    • Set up new user accounts or remove existing ones.


Server Details:

  1. Operating system: Rocky-8.8
  2. Server IP Address:
  3. Hostname: server.bitscentric.local
  4. Selinux : Disabled
  5. Config file: /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf
  6. Port no: 10000

Step 1: Install Webmin dependency first

# sudo dnf install wget perl perl-Net-SSLeay openssl unzip perl-Encode-Detect perl-Data-Dumper 

When the installation is complete, proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Enable webmin Repository

The nest, Download and import the GPG key to verify package integrity: wget command

# sudo wget

Once downloaded, import it using the rpm command as follows.

# sudo rpm --import jcameron-key.asc

Step 3: Install Webmin Package

Install Webmin using the wget package manager: on Debian, Rocky, CentOS, RHEL etc.
Since we are installing Webmin on RHEL, you need to grab the RPM package using the wget command

 # wget
# tar xvf webmin-cuurent.tar.gz

Step 4: Create a new directory

# mkdir -p /usr/local/webmin
# ./webmin-2.202/ /usr/local/webmin/

Step : 5 Start Webmin service

Once the installation process completes, verify that Webmin is running. below command.

# systemctl start webmin.service
# service webmin start
# systemctl restart webmin.service
# service webmin status

The output below confirms that Webmin is running.

Step 6: Open Webmin Port on Firewall

By default, Webmin listens on TCP port 10000. To confirm this, use the netstat command as shown. below command

# netstat -tunlp | grep 10000

If you are behind a firewall, open the TCP port 10000:

# firewall-cmd --add-port=10000/tcp --zone=public --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload

Step 7: Accessing Webmin Interface

Now access Webmin in your favorite browser using below URL

Password: Mursaleen-Choudhary

And that’s it. You have successfully installed Webmin on Rocky 8.8

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